Thank you for visiting Do-Able Solutions Ltd. We have a practical down-to-earth approach towards collecting and using data to engage staff and managers in working together to drive improvement. We also have plenty of experience at rolling our sleeves up and getting stuck into facilitating improvement projects -liberating the experience and knowledge of front line staff to improve the way that work gets done for the benefit of all stakeholders.
Most of the work that Do-Able gets involved with comes from the personal recommendation of existing clients, so the website is not really our key focus and therefore only gets updated about once a month.
If you really want some help though, you can contact us easily by clicking here. We are always keen to have a chat, to find out whats going on in the world and how we might be able to help you.
In brief, you should know the following:
> The company was established in 2007 and we are located in Nantwich, South Cheshire. We specialise in talking sound common sense when it comes to data, talking in a language and with a passion for the subject that people from shop floor to boardroom can relate to. We believe that simple but powerful use of data can help you to distinguish when making a change in your business has actually led to some improvement
> Our regular customers particularly value our no nonsense approach - if we say it is "Do-Able", then they know it is. We have a track record of delivering exactly what they need to help them do their job better
> Our aim is to help good people to do better work through improving the way they use data from first collection to final analysis and presentation